Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Last night I went over to a friends just to catch up on life, and how their family is doing, it was wonderful, and always enjoyed. While catching up, conversation took a turn towards the idea of how easy it is to spend too much time on the computer or internet now-a-days; which I am guilty of in the past, but because of that, have in my eyes at least, become more of an old foggy (if I'm aloud to say that :-) and now spend hardly any time, if any on the internet. What was realized or pointed out while talking about this was how we need and require so much structure or discipline; because the internet, while a useful tool to allow people to know that you're a missionary and need financial support, it can still be a distraction that takes time from that missionaries, (or anyone else's),time spent learning and being with GOD. So whether you are more like me, with a little less structure in your life or more like that one person who has the date, time, and time spent doing what, in their calender; i would encourage you to make sure that however much structure is in your life, you have the discipline to keep your priorities straight; keeping GOD number one, and all distractions to the side.

1 comment:

  1. Brandon, first let me say that I'm sorry I didn't get the chance to really meet or get to know you when I was at Camp Adventure. About the second day I started to lose my voice which made it difficult for me to start up conversations :/ yeah, kind of a downer...but I did have a great time and remember you from the washing of the feet demonstration (which was really moving)...
    Anyway, I wanted to say that I agree with this post(and "The Timing" too) very much. I've been using the internet, doing stuff for school, trying to keep up with friends...basically a lot of time spent with distractions. Throughout the day, and often at night, I think man, I really need to spend some time with God! I guess I'm one of the unstructured people.
    But basically, I completely agree with your post. AND, if you'd like, you could add me to your prayer list to help me find structure and focus on the most important, Heavenly Father.
    oh and btw, I will keep you and the Italy team in my prayers :) God bless brother!
