Ciao a tutti
I just like that beginning. What a good one, right? Besides it's in Italian, and that means I know at least on Italian phrase. Malto bene Brandon!! That right there is me learning Italian; because this past week we started our Italian class, and, bum di de bum, trumpet noise, sound, it rocks; kinda like that trumpet noise, sound. yeah? yeah. I'm laughing. So here is an Italian phrase you should wish to never hear me say: " Io sono incinta, ganzo." Because, well, ganzo means awesome; and it would not be awesome if I was pregnant. All besides the point. We found a cheap Italian tutor here in Prato, she only speaks Italian, but considering she has somehow managed to teach me Italian, and me understand. I'm impressed. Oh, and I should probally chime in on myself and mention that she did not teach me how to say that I'm pregnant; she taught me how to say "I am". . . and I looked up pregnant because I thought it was funny. See funny, well I'm still laughing, okay, you're right it's not that funny, but laugh with me to make me feel funny. So, foward motion, we have this class three days a week for about two hours, which let me tell you, is a lot, a lot of Italian to learn. Phew (that's how I feel afterwords. . . . in one word. . . .thats English.. . . .Is "phew" English?). But like I was saying,two hours of Italian class, and of course, my favorite thing ever,homework. Granted she rights "OK" on my homework when I've done it, and done it right, which is cool. Maybe I can talk her into giving me gold stars or something awesome like that, because that would be awesome; but if not that maybe at least write awesome, but in Italian!! GANZO!!!!! Yeah, and in all caps, with lots of exclamation marks!! Very excitingly, and it makes me feel good about my homework so I want to learn more and do better (teachers, scratch that, everyone, take note of this gold stars are awesome; ooohh and scratch and sniffs they work well too. Use gold stars and scratch and sniffs: this is a subliminal message.) But outside of working hard towards learning Italian, we've been spending a good amount of time in the evening/night down at the square, or duomo, (the happening place in Prato), trying to meet people that we are able to hang out with and tell about JESUS, because JESUS is totally awesome and the reason we are here. Ahhh yeah!
So I totally forgot about this till, well, basically this very moment, but we met this guy who's name honestly I don't remember, but I do remember I try pronouncing it and failed miserably. All besides the point, I'm excited because this dude can talk both in Italian and English, and we talked of the idea of getting together in the future so we can both work on our talking, (which for him is English,in case you were wondering, I was.) So, yeah, that rocks. Say it out loud for me, "That rocks, JESUS, you rock, thanks for putting someone who might want to learn about your awesomeness in Brandons life." Do it, say it now. Peer pressure.
I don't know what else to say at this very moment but that life is good, I dig it, and pleasssseee continue to pray and support me in my ministry over here in Italy, as I can see that GOD has plans for the work over here.
Friday, June 26, 2009
Friday, June 19, 2009

hello everyone!!
It's been a good week. and a little bit tiring :-) Every morning we get up and go over to Mike and Anto Mahan's, our coordinators; and we start our day with some singing and prayer and a look into the book of John. And I'm digging the study of John, the singing is good on everyone elses part, I've got a cold :-( and don't sound all that pretty, but hey maybe you think I still sound pretty. I'm going to pretend that you think sound pretty. Thank you soooo much. You're sooo nice. . . but seriously I'm trying to tell you about Italy, don't be distracting lol.
This past week we've been straightning out our villa, make it liveable/ keep it clean, like up to the Italians standards, which it turns out are a little higher than mine are. lol. Suprise :-). Oh, and we've been getting all of our furniture from a past AIMers appartment and cleaned that up. So, when we were doing this I, detour Brandon, got to drive the furniture to our place, (dun dun dun w/ dramatic music effects. dramatic dun). I got lost!!! Aahhhhhrrrrgggghhhhnoise!?!?!? Me and my teamie, Evan, (Evan and I, for anyone who likes good grammar lol) drove around Prato, Italy for an hour and half. I am proud to say that I feel a little better aquated with the city of Prato now, and for that matter the two cities on each end that I'm pretty sure we stumbled upon too. . . Perhaps thats not something to be proud of?? We found our way back. You get to read a blog about it. :-) Ah, happy face, everything is better.
Okay, moving on, deep breath, in the evenings, a few times a week we have been going to this choir charity that is going to sing this Sunday, and is trying to get a library in Nigeria. It's cool. Practice goes on at the Church up in Pistoia, (which I'm sure all of you know where that is), which is the congregation Mikes brother, Roger works with. GANZO!!! That means "awesome!!!"
Exciting, Exciting, Italian lessons start Monday or Lunedi. Bravo. I can't think of anything else to say. You guys rock. mmmmmmhhhhhmmmmm. (Couldn't figure out how to spell "eeewwwee", not the oh thats gross but the "eeewwweee, I was thinking.") All besides the point, I was going to say, I am going to have to learn how to say "You guys rock!" here in the near future; that is all I bid you all adieu (which ironically, I think is french.)
Thursday, June 11, 2009
Hello there everyone!!
I have arrived. . . . finally :-) in Prato, Italy. Will you all applause for the fact that we all made it. No, seriously, you should applause. You should take your two beautiful hands and beat them together in joy towards GOD for the fact that we made it; ohhhh joy in my deep wonderful, beating heart.
It has been a busy first few days, we have had to move all our luggage, the entire two bags or so, which is a lot . . . kind of :-), into our new villa. Which might i add is totally sweet. The villa is broken up into two completely seperate living areas. Broken up by a freshly added wall, making the place pretty much two villas, the girls, Kristen and Tracie, live on the back side of the villa, and Evan and I live in the front. It is beautiful. Esso e' bello. Surrounded by mountians covered in lush green trees. I must say that I am digging on every moment of this.
Also since being here, we have been running all around Prato paying down payments on where we live, and phone and figuring out food, which, of course, we have broken this up with some, oh so wonderful espresso, (I'm smiling right now :-), and some tasty, goodness, I like to call gelato. Granted I'm not positive but, I think other people might call it gelato too; and by not positive I mean I'm sure others call it gelato. But nevermind that, moving on.
Life is good and I appreciate all your prayers and support. Thank You. Oh, and I intend on writting on here about every week to keep you informed.
I have arrived. . . . finally :-) in Prato, Italy. Will you all applause for the fact that we all made it. No, seriously, you should applause. You should take your two beautiful hands and beat them together in joy towards GOD for the fact that we made it; ohhhh joy in my deep wonderful, beating heart.
It has been a busy first few days, we have had to move all our luggage, the entire two bags or so, which is a lot . . . kind of :-), into our new villa. Which might i add is totally sweet. The villa is broken up into two completely seperate living areas. Broken up by a freshly added wall, making the place pretty much two villas, the girls, Kristen and Tracie, live on the back side of the villa, and Evan and I live in the front. It is beautiful. Esso e' bello. Surrounded by mountians covered in lush green trees. I must say that I am digging on every moment of this.
Also since being here, we have been running all around Prato paying down payments on where we live, and phone and figuring out food, which, of course, we have broken this up with some, oh so wonderful espresso, (I'm smiling right now :-), and some tasty, goodness, I like to call gelato. Granted I'm not positive but, I think other people might call it gelato too; and by not positive I mean I'm sure others call it gelato. But nevermind that, moving on.
Life is good and I appreciate all your prayers and support. Thank You. Oh, and I intend on writting on here about every week to keep you informed.
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