hello everyone!!
It's been a good week. and a little bit tiring :-) Every morning we get up and go over to Mike and Anto Mahan's, our coordinators; and we start our day with some singing and prayer and a look into the book of John. And I'm digging the study of John, the singing is good on everyone elses part, I've got a cold :-( and don't sound all that pretty, but hey maybe you think I still sound pretty. I'm going to pretend that you think sound pretty. Thank you soooo much. You're sooo nice. . . but seriously I'm trying to tell you about Italy, don't be distracting lol.
This past week we've been straightning out our villa, make it liveable/ keep it clean, like up to the Italians standards, which it turns out are a little higher than mine are. lol. Suprise :-). Oh, and we've been getting all of our furniture from a past AIMers appartment and cleaned that up. So, when we were doing this I, detour Brandon, got to drive the furniture to our place, (dun dun dun w/ dramatic music effects. dramatic dun). I got lost!!! Aahhhhhrrrrgggghhhhnoise!?!?!? Me and my teamie, Evan, (Evan and I, for anyone who likes good grammar lol) drove around Prato, Italy for an hour and half. I am proud to say that I feel a little better aquated with the city of Prato now, and for that matter the two cities on each end that I'm pretty sure we stumbled upon too. . . Perhaps thats not something to be proud of?? We found our way back. You get to read a blog about it. :-) Ah, happy face, everything is better.
Okay, moving on, deep breath, in the evenings, a few times a week we have been going to this choir charity that is going to sing this Sunday, and is trying to get a library in Nigeria. It's cool. Practice goes on at the Church up in Pistoia, (which I'm sure all of you know where that is), which is the congregation Mikes brother, Roger works with. GANZO!!! That means "awesome!!!"
Exciting, Exciting, Italian lessons start Monday or Lunedi. Bravo. I can't think of anything else to say. You guys rock. mmmmmmhhhhhmmmmm. (Couldn't figure out how to spell "eeewwwee", not the oh thats gross but the "eeewwweee, I was thinking.") All besides the point, I was going to say, I am going to have to learn how to say "You guys rock!" here in the near future; that is all I bid you all adieu (which ironically, I think is french.)
dude that was a fun hour and a half.......... ok maybe not fun but definitly interesting