Friday, July 17, 2009

Ciao a tutti!!
Spero che abbiate avuto altra settimana meravigliosa.

So I won't lie, I had to use, some translation sight in order to write that sentence right there above; which means, "I hope that you have had another wonderful week." I just didn't know quite how to put it together, we haven't learned how to speak in any tense other than present thus far; and that sentence definitely is written in past tense. Hope you appreciate the work I had to go through to hope your past week wonderful. It was rough. Totally just had flash back of Mcgruff, or something like that the dog that wanted to take a bite out of crime. Now, thinking of that, think of the word "rough."
So, off to a good start, :-) This week we spent a little more time up in Pistoia than usual, due to us wanting to be as productive as possible, while still being limited in what we can do, not being conversational in Italian yet. We did some cleaning of their building, and side note, I think I heard word of doing some painting in the future, so if I write on my blog about that later don't be too suprised, okay. And we also went to their market, once a week anygiven town has a market, a lot of people setting up boothes and selling fruits, veggies, shoes, clothes of any type really, just all kinds of stuff, besides the point. The Chiesa di Christo in Pistoia set up a booth too, and we went there to help pass out flyers or liflets, if thats what you call them; and my goodness, we passed out a lot of them, a lot. . . . . .a lot. I personally went through a few stacks, granted I don't know how much is in a stack, but the bigger the number you imagine the better you feel about it. Atleast that's what I've learned :-). But it was pretty cool, the funny thing though, was that we were suppose to be saying "prego" or "scusi", well I misunderstood and for somewhere over an hour I was saying "pronto", which means "ready", it is something they say when they answer the phone, definitely not when passing out flyers. Lets just say I'm glad I can still play the "American" card. Either way it was a good day.
But now on to what I am excited about. Oh man, you guys better be drum rollin' because, oh, this makes me happy all up inside, makes me want to "Salto con gioia!" (Jump with joy!) and there was no babelfish on that one. I'm learning. Ohhhh Yeah!!!! Okay now but back to what is awesome, quit distracting me, seriously, like I'm trying to tell you something way, way totally awesome, and you are messin' with my groove. And I'm laughing. So truly moving on. Last night, which was Thursday, they had this thing called the Italia Wave or the Love Festival in Livorno, it is about an hour west of Prato, on the coast. This thing is basically the Italian version of Woodstock. It was amazing. But do you know what made it soooooo stinking amazing, oh my brain is screaming with happy joy-ness; that dude Sandro that I have told you about, we totally went with him, totally amazingness. And not just that, we got to meet handful of his friends, who all seem pretty awesome too, and they all atleast speak broken English. "Ah yeah, that is right, that is amazing, you are right in what you call awesomeness Brandon, I so totally wish I could have been there with you for this, oh, so amazingly epic awesomeness." and I don't blame you for that desire, it is a noble one. But I have got more, (I totally feel like I'm on a game show right now), Sandro, during a chunk of the hour-ish ride too Livorno was asking questions about GOD, and the Church, and showing so much interest; I tell you, it felt great to be doing exactly what we came out here to do. I totally want to write more about all of this but it all feels like more of a rush of emotion that can't be typed, if you know what I'm saying. Don't know, I'm just saying be excited. And pray that this all goes somewhere, pray, pray, pray, pray, pray. Because I know I saw big things coming but didn't know when, or how; GOD has started His work through team Italy. That feels like a good ending note. Peace.

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