Monday, May 4, 2009

So I find it ironic, the other day I talked about the timing and its perfection. And here that perfection may be having me leave for Italy a little later than originally planned. I was going to be leaving Colorado this coming Thursday, the 7th; but mine, along with the rest of my teams visas have not come through yet, which leaves us here for the time being. And I must say, even though I still believe the timing is perfect in every situation, and trust GOD that everything works out to His glory,which is what I want, I am still feeling the slightest bummed feeling. Maybe it is because it has not all gone according to my plan that I feel this way. Either way, I trust GOD does have His reasons, (even though I do not understand what they are quite yet); I am excited to find out how things well work, and how GOD will use this situation. Because I know despite all of these minor problems, here in a little while we will be in Italy, teaching GOD's good news; and I look forward to that. (But if you wouldn't mind saying a prayer right now for everything working out, my team and I would be grateful).

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