Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Sorry it has been a few days. I didn't have a computer for the time being. Today I went out to lunch with my friend Alex White, who I would like to say is a cool, cool kid and has grown a lot since I've seen him last. But all besides the point; one of the big things that we talked about was encouragment, and how it is the things that you notice and encourage in a person, that become more and more a thing that they work on and focus on. Example, you admire how a person reads his Bible daily, and important part, you encourage this person how they have impacted or impressed you by their ability to read daily. That person is more likely to focus on learning how to read daily or to learn more from his daily reading because of that encouragment. Or I think how showing up to church, is something that I look forward to because the people I see there show how much they appreciate my presence there. The people I see at church encourage my attendance to church by noticing me enjoying my company. And, I suppose it would be just as true that if we were to encourage bad habits, it would still be the focus of a person and they would pursue that type of action for the attention. A person who tells questionable jokes, (I'll let you decide what questionable is), but everytime you laugh at the persons jokes that are of this nature, you encourage that behavior. So I just wanted to encourage everyone who reads my, oh so enjoyable blog (lol), to encourage people, to encourge you friends, and your fellow Christians, to be in active pursuit of GOD, to focus on His will, to read the Bible daily, to constantly pray to Him, and love on others, constantly encouraging everyone around you.
"I can live on a compliment for two months." Mark Twain
"But encourage one another day after day, as long as it is still called "Today," so that none of you will be hardened by the deceitfulness of sin." Hebrews 3:13

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